RHET Fife organised a Food & Farming Day at Bowhouse, St Monans with primary schools from throughout the East Neuk.
Pupils attended nine interactive sessions covering:
- Bees & Honey with East Neuk Bees
- Machinery provided by Balcaskie Estate, talked through by Hunter Parsons
- Conservation with Jeremy Lesiourd, talking about hedges, birds and vermin control
- Minicks the Butcher, talking about red meat, butchery and health benefits of eating red meat.
- Bibi’s Bakery, making pancakes and talking about ingredients and where they come from, maths, business and design
- Scotland the Bread – Flour milling
- Scotland the Bread – Making rolls with the milled flour
- East Neuk Brewery – Introduction to brewing, smelling malt & hops and seeing the equipment used
- Planting session with Keeping the Plot, talking about how to grow vegetables, what they need to grow and how to look after them
All pupils (and teachers) left with a much better insight into the industries focused and said that it had been a fantastic learning experience.
Funding for the day came from local Common Good Funds to which we are extremely grateful, also to Bowhouse for allowing us the use of the venue.