Buttercup (Dairy Cow), Lynne Reid (RHET Volunteer and Dairy Farmer) and Donna Bullivant (Chartered Teacher and Numeracy Lead)
‘Moo Maths’ is a unique interdisciplinary program designed to bring mathematics to life for Primary School learners by using real data from their own adopted Dairy Cow. The hands-on, interdisciplinary approach can enhance learners’ mathematical skills and build understanding of data literacy and the practical applications of maths in everyday life.
Donna Bullivant, Cowie Primary School in collaboration with Lynne Reid, RHET volunteer and dairy farmer, at Plean Farm in Stirling have developed and trailed Moo Maths. This involved taking classes to visit the farm as part of a ‘Farming’ learning context and RHET volunteers and farmers going into the classroom to deliver educational talks about the life of a farmer.
Pens created by learners to meet the correct size for regulations for calves of specific age
In 2020, the possibility of a class adopting one of her dairy cows was discussed. This inspired many ideas about the endless possibilities to make meaningful curriculum links. In November 2022, the cow adoption came to fruition and a class of Primary 3 learners went to visit Plean Farm and officially meet, and adopt, their very own cow, ‘Buttercup’.
At the same time, class teacher Donna was involved in a collaborative Numeracy project with Education Scotland. One of the aims of the project was to develop a consistent approach to Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract (CPA) pedagogy. Using a myriad of CPA approaches, Moo Maths was developed. The resource also provides examples of planning and resources to support practitioners in delivering this interdisciplinary context.
Primary 3 learning about a dairy farm during a visit to meet their adopted cow
Donna Bullivant said “I am delighted to have been involved in creating Moo Maths and extremely excited for the launch of this educational learning resource as part of the celebrations this year for the Journey of Food: All Things Dairy.”
Kate Brisbane, RHET Forth Valley Project Coordinator said “A farm visit, highlights how STEM and in particular Maths is plays an important part in running a successful business. By integrating the data from a diary farm into maths lessons we not only create a unique real life learning experience but bridge the gap between classroom and the food production industry”
You can download the Moo Maths Packs via the links below: