Our volunteers can help you in many different ways, such as ‘on farm visits’ or other outside learning experiences. We also have specifically trained farmer speakers who will happily support projects on food and farming and the countryside within the classroom. This is useful if your class is unable to visit a farm or more usually to give your class some background to a proposed farm visit.
Our volunteer farmers will bring with them many different props to enhance their visit, such as samples of crops or products to games and PowerPoint presentations. However their greatest asset is their lifetime of work and experience on the farm, which can bring the whole topic to life.
Many classroom speaker visits are of a general nature but all can be focused on a specific area of learning from ‘A Day In the Life of a Farmer’ to health and safety, recycling, renewable energy, crop production, animal health, careers within the rural industries, conservation, economics, financial planning and budgeting, plus many more.
Classroom speaker visits can last from 20-30 minutes for younger age groups to up to 2 hours or more for older children or to discuss more specific topics. All of this will be discussed with the farmer volunteer before the visit and it is helpful for them to be guided by you on where to park, to whom they should report on entering the school and to be guided to the classroom by an adult. All classroom speaker visits are provided free of charge.
Classroom speaker visits can happen all year round but please bear in mind that the farming year has very busy spells. It is therefore helpful if you can book your request for a farmer speaker a term in advance.
Request a speaker for your class